Regulation and self-regulation of learning: A didactic proposal in secondary school

  • Ángela Andrea Fernández Monsalve IE RUFINO JOSE CUERVO CENTRO DE ARMENIA
Keywords: didactic proposal, learning, regulation, self-regulation, formative evaluation


This article brings together the results of the research: Regulation and self-regulation of the learning in the study of the sales tax, advanced with the purpose of analyzing what learning is generated in eighth grade students during the development of a teaching strategy, in the framework of sales tax, based on regulation and self-regulation (Sanmartí, 2007). The adopted methodology implied: 1) the foundation around the concepts of regulation and self-regulation of the learning and of the strategies that favor its development; 2) the design and application of instruments for data collection; and 3) the analysis of the selected cases. For interpretation, three mechanisms were used: 1) analysis of each of the instruments used (tests of previous ideas and assessment of learning, didactic unit, portfolio, interview); 2) triangulation of the instruments analyzed; and 3) establishment of emerging categories. The analysis concludes: 1) Understanding of the basic concepts of Sales Tax, determining the elements that are part of the Tax and formalization of accounting entries; 2) reorientation of the procedures, resources and evaluation used by students and the teacher with the implementation of the accounting didactic unit; and 3) recognition of the processes of regulation and self-regulation of learning as an instrument of reflection and self-evaluation. Keywords: didactic proposal, learning, regulation, self-regulation, formative evaluation.


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How to Cite
Fernández Monsalve, Ángela A. (2020). Regulation and self-regulation of learning: A didactic proposal in secondary school . Sophia, 16(2), 219-232.
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