Academic Writing: Perceptions and Evaluation of Students at a Chilean University
Writing is considered a complex activity as it involves cognitive, social, psychological and emotional processes. The aim of this study is to establish a characterization of first-year students of three careers in a Chilean public university by identifying their initial writing skills and their perception of this process in the context of an initial academic literacy course. The methodology is of a mixed, exploratory, descriptive-correlational, cross-sectional, non-experimental type, through two instruments: a questionnaire of perception on writing practices and a diagnostic test. One of the main findings of the questionnaire revealed a low knowledge of written production, focused on form, poor mastery of the phases of writing and incipient experience in these practices of students in the last years of school. The test showed a low performance in written texts (basic initial and basic intermediate writer). This made it possible to characterize them as novice writers, with basic performance in terms of writing stages, textual dimensions and writing experience. This information is projected as an opportunity for the configuration of a pedagogical-didactic strategy proposal suitable for a literacy course in the first year of university.Downloads
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