Motricity in the classroom: gestuality and the voice, an inminence in teaching

  • Alejandra María Franco Jiménez Universidad del Quindío
  • José Enver Ayala Zuluaga Universidad del Quindío
Keywords: Teaching, motricity, expesiveness, gestuality, teaching formation


This writing is part of a study denominated: motricity, a tension between the hidden and the evident in teaching, its objective is to reveal the motricity senses as knowledge for teaching, this article intends to make a description of the findings in the so called category: “Motricity in he classroom: gestuality and the voice of a permanent imminence in teaching†The work was supported in an hermeneutic methodology approach; The research type was complemented by the so called qualitative study of case and reflective ethnography. The results make visible that the teacher´s motricity teaches and it happens in a relation between gestures and words; there, the hands and looks make part of the educative. It was concluded that gestuality related to the hands and the looks is ocassionally intentional, rational and in others is simply part of the habits, acts that particularize teaching.  


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How to Cite
Franco Jiménez, A. M., & Ayala Zuluaga, J. E. (2012). Motricity in the classroom: gestuality and the voice, an inminence in teaching. Sophia, 1(8), 148-162. Retrieved from
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