Learning about the therapeutic relationship in the Master of Spirituality and Psychotherapy

  • Daniel Marcelo Rzondzinski
Keywords: Reading reception, album-books, significant competence, icon-verbal interaction


This article brings together the results of the Formal characterization in reception of album-books in a school context (second grade at Normal Higher Education Institution of Armenia). A path towards the strengthening of meaningful competence research, developed in order to find out how second-grade children read album-books, and how such reading modes influence the development of significant competence (MEN, 1998). The adopted methodology included: 1) recognition of the group’s own reading practices; 2) establishment of an album-book corpus from the Colección Semilla; and 3) design and implementation of instruments for data collection, and subsequent analysis. Two mechanisms were used for interpretation: 1) comparison between reader behavior during two reading circumstances (collective and individual); and 2) establishment of emerging categories. The analysis concludes: 1) greater proclivity to iconic code than to verbal code in collective reading; 2) tendency to fill lexical and narrative gaps with own linguistic and cultural tools; 3) Dexterity in recognition of the narrative point of view and the chronological unity of the story; y 4) recognition of the act of reading as a socially hierarchical practice.


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How to Cite
Rzondzinski, D. M. (2019). Learning about the therapeutic relationship in the Master of Spirituality and Psychotherapy. Sophia, 15(1), 60-72. https://doi.org/10.18634/sophiaj.15v.1i.903
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