Ethical sensitivity in the educational field: use of audiovisual resources in the evaluation of complex situations
In the present work we propose to describe the implementation of the Racial and Ethical Sensitivity Test (Rest), developed by Mary Brabeck in the United States in the year 2000, in order to evaluate the ethical sensitivity and to establish guidelines for the training of teachers in ethics issues in education, focusing on aspects linked to university education. Rest is based on the four-component model of ethics formulated by James Rest and on the codes of professional ethics. Its methodological implementation is based on five original audiovisual materials that present dilemmatic situations in the educational field. In this article, we analyze exhaustively one of the vignettes of Rest, from a course taught for secondary and university level teachers. What is the usefulness of this instrument, twenty years after its creation? What are the issues of ethics in education most noticed by teachers? Which ones are less notorious and would then need to be included in training and improvement courses? Through a qualitative-quantitative inquiry, we analyze new data of the evaluation of ethical sensitivity, which allow us to notice the relevance of the didactic problems for teachers and the displacement of other topics of ethics in the educational field, such as responsibility, integrity, respect for the rights and the dignity of others.Downloads
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