Considerations on a methodological framework for the analysis of texts
This article presents a review of relevant literature for the construction of a methodological framework for the analysis of texts in applied social sciences, such as economics, which we have supported in the main hermeneutical approaches from philosophy, linguistics and social sciences. In essence, they assume that every discourse carries meaning - be it truthful or not - and that they express complex social relations. Thus, any analysis of content happens finally to be a certain type of hermeneutics (interpretation), while trying to account for multiple phenomena immersed in the production, application, use and reproduction of knowledge within the text. When applying discourse analysis in teaching texts in economic sciences, we find traces of legalistic, political, ethnocentric tendencies, among other discourses hidden from the text. For this reason, the analysis of the internal discourse of the text allows us to delve inside the state ideology and its underlying or latent discourses.Downloads
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