Teaching To Do Research in Postgraduate Teacher Training for Secondary School Teachers in Colombia
The purpose of this article is to analyze the training path of teachers who decide to continue their teacher training with a master's degree in education and to talk about how research is taught at this level of training. The routes and methodologies created and implemented by teacher trainers to teach research are reviewed based on the premise that teaching produces specific knowledge which is transmitted by those who teach. In addition, some reflections -from the teachers in training- about research learning are discussed. These analyses are rooted in a chain of projects -which have been developed to research the field of teacher training in Colombia- resulting from the doctoral research "Existing links between postgraduate teacher training and the elementary and high school teaching profession in two Colombian cities: Pasto and Valledupar”. However, this reflective and critical exploration is limited to reporting the research results of one of these projects: “Narrative understandings of research in postgraduate teacher education”; which was developed between 2018 and 2019. Data collection and analysis were based on the narrative accounts of three teachers who graduated from the master’s Program in Education. The resulting analyses of the teaching of research concern the need to be able to involve it in teaching practices, in the exercise of teaching knowledge from other places and incorporating new pedagogical, didactic and research elements into daily teaching practice.Downloads
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