Design, Construction and Validation of an Instrument That Evaluates Innovative Teaching Actions Mediated with ICTs

  • William Enrique Mercado Borja Instituto Técnico Industrial Pascual Bravo
  • Juancri Rusbel Barrera Navarro Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Innovative actions, teacher, educational innovation, survey, evaluation, mediation, ICT


This article reports on the validation of an instrument designed to measure innovative actions with ICT in pedagogical practices, in terms of: ease of use, perceived utility, resistance to change, trust and intention of use. It is made up of 32 items with Likert-type scale. The validity of the content was evaluated through the judgment of 6 experts, the validity of the construct through convergent validity to adjust the instrument; also, a reliability analysis was carried out since Cronbach's Alpha, Omega and Division by halves. Among the reliability values obtained is Alpha Cronbach with 0.993, Omega with 0.994 and Division by halves with 0.974, it is evident a very high consistency and means that the instrument can be used as a reliable technique of data collection, likewise the convergent validity indicates the dimensionality of each of the factors. It is concluded that the instrument is safe, reliable and valid in the measuring innovative actions with educational technologies in the pedagogical praxis of the educator.


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Author Biographies

William Enrique Mercado Borja, Instituto Técnico Industrial Pascual Bravo
Licenciado en Informática Educativa y Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad de Córdoba, vinculado a la Secretaría de Educación de Medellín desde el año 2009 como docente en el área de Tecnología e Informática. Especialista en Informática y Multimedios de la Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores, Especialista en Administración de la Informática Educativa de la Universidad de Santander, Magister en Gestión de la Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad de Santander y Doctor en Humanidades con Mención en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional del Rosario de Argentina. ORCID:
Juancri Rusbel Barrera Navarro , Universidad de Córdoba
Licenciado en Informática Educativa y Medios Audiovisuales, Especialista en Gerencia Empresarial, Magister en Tecnología Educativa y Medios Innovadores para la Educación, Doctor en Gestión de la Tecnología y la Innovación de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Docente en el Departamento de Informática Educativa de la Universidad de Córdoba. ORCID: 


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How to Cite
Mercado Borja, W. E., & Barrera Navarro , J. R. (2023). Design, Construction and Validation of an Instrument That Evaluates Innovative Teaching Actions Mediated with ICTs. Sophia, 19(2).
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