Training in engineering design at Universidad del Quindío, cdio initiative

  • Diego Fernando Jaramillo Patiño Universidad del Quindío
Keywords: CDIO, curricula, engineering design, engineering training, methodology


 This work is aimed to collect the training experience in Engineering Design from the Electronic Engineering Program, Engineering Faculty, Universidad del Quindío, as an input for the implementation of the CDIO Initiative (conceive, design, implement, operate). Firstly, we will make a presentation of the proposal. Secondly, we will demonstrate that Engineering Design training has been evolving throughout time as a completely well constituted area as well as its curricular structure. Next, we will make reference to the epistemological foundations assumed as technical guidelines in general terms. Finally we will address the issue of the methodological grounds of the area both in terms of the design methodology and the teaching methodology recently adopted.  


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How to Cite
Jaramillo Patiño, D. F. (2013). Training in engineering design at Universidad del Quindío, cdio initiative. Sophia, 1(9), 161-174. Retrieved from
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