Sorption - desorption curves of moisture in porous materials

  • Jesús E. Hernández Ruiz
Keywords: Sorption–desorption, porous solid, diffusion, moisture and nucleation and growth.


In this paper the behavior of the moisture sorption-desorption by porous solid is discussed. Employing the diffusion theory the moisture transference is formulated for the permeable plane sheets configuration. The problem is solved for the initially dry solid clásithat remains at environments with controlled relative humidity and temperature. It is demonstrated that, when chemical reactions don’t take place, between the moisture and the porous material, the sorption-desorption curves manifest a single concavity toward the time axis. Otherwise, when the process is not governed by the moisture diffusion, processes of nucleation and growth of the second phases take place, and then the sorption curves show, at least, an inflection point. The validity of this kind of analysis for other type of kinetic curves is discussed too and is compared with previous results in the literature.


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How to Cite
Hernández Ruiz, J. E. (1). Sorption - desorption curves of moisture in porous materials. Sophia, 1, 53-62. Retrieved from
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