Académic texts: a chállenle for tacheros and stunts

  • Patricia Roa Rodríguez (E) Mg. en Pedagogía de la Lengua Materna de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Keywords: academic text, writing, learning, teaching


The production of academic texts involves discourse and communicative competences and certain cognitive processes, in which students almost always have difficulties.Such difficulties are reinforced by instruction, and this is because, students are not guided during the writing process. It’s my desire that through this article we can recover theoretical contributions about text production in academic genres, and on the basis of reflection on my teaching experience, to offer some orientations for its teaching. Specifically, some suggestions focus on the learners ability to carry out writing tasks, taking into account the type of test requested, the explanation and grounds for the learning objectives, the personal goals for writing and the details account of the processes implied. Aspects that should be developed in the context of collaborative work among peer and teachers.  


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How to Cite
Roa Rodríguez, P. (1). Académic texts: a chállenle for tacheros and stunts. Sophia, 10(2), 239-245. Retrieved from
Artículo de Reflexión