Comparative analysis of the spelling knowledge of mestizo and indigenous Mexican university students

  • Alfredo Leonardo Romero Sánchez Universidad de Guadalajara
Keywords: education, ethnic groups, grammar, spelling, university


Knowledge of the spelling rules is one of the pillars on which correct writing is sustained. However, different authors make observations about the role played by the current teaching of the language and the quality of writing, especially in elementary school. Few studies are found about university education, the level at which this work points. Specifically, the results of a diagnostic test applied to recent students at the University of Guadalajara are explored, for the Bachelor of Education. At the same time, first and second semesters are compared, before and after they took the Language and Communication subject, which has a part of its content focused on spelling. The study considers 84 students, 42 per semester, a part of which come from indigenous peoples and have Spanish as their second language. However, in some areas, the results show that there are no substantial differences in their knowledge. It is found that there is ignorance of the spelling rules (accentuation, use of capital letters and punctuation) in general, and particularly the current rules of the Real Academia Española (2010). This fact is particularly worrisome in students who intend to become future teachers, so determining their skills is very important.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Leonardo Romero Sánchez, Universidad de Guadalajara
Doctor en Sistemas y Ambientes Educativos. Profesor del Centro Universitario del Norte de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Integrante del cuerpo académico Educación, Lenguaje y Comunicación. Colotlán, Jalisco, México. ORCID:
How to Cite
Romero Sánchez, A. L. (2024). Comparative analysis of the spelling knowledge of mestizo and indigenous Mexican university students. Sophia, 20(1).
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