Another view to the reconstruction of armenia city

  • Carlos Mario Fisgativa Universidad del Quindío
Keywords: Armenia, Earthquake, Reconstruction, Social Tissue, Citizen Paticipation.


10 years after the 1999 earthquake in the Coffee Region, it´s inevitable to ask oneself about the reconstruction process inasmuch as it was not a strategy to build housing solutions but an intervention which implies long term social transformations. Thereby, it was considered that rebuilding the social tissue was an indispensable condition for the success of the process. This text inquire about the criterion ruling the social tissue reconstruction projects, analyses theoretical grounds, and contrasts some of the results with the perceptions and experiences collected through interviews made to the actors of the process. It concludes that the social tissue reconstruction departing from the citizen participation found difficulties (administrative, organizational and planning) to question its scope. It is a historical responsibility with the city and its habitants, to maintain the discussion about the process of reconstruction and the challenges towards the future of the region.


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How to Cite
Fisgativa, C. M. (2012). Another view to the reconstruction of armenia city. Contexto, 1(1). Retrieved from
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