Management of human talent and its impact on the new public management


The present work is carried out from the analysis of investigations carried out by different authors in the present theme Management of human talent and its incidence in the New Public Management, which aims to improve working conditions in the public sector.  The method that is applied in the present investigation is the descriptive and analytical one, which allows to lead to the conclusions where the importance of the incidence of the management of human talent in the new management is established, with the need to clean up public finances, that is to say, that public interests can no longer be handled as a routine management focused on the application of rules and regulations. The trends of public institutions is to face a world in which production systems are constantly changing, the management of human talent offers added value in a rigorous framework.


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Author Biography

Gema Angelica Mendoza Pincay, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Universidad Nacional del Litoral. ORCID:


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How to Cite
Mendoza Pincay, G. A. (2023). Management of human talent and its impact on the new public management. Contexto, 11(1).
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