Artificial intelligence application on bioinformatics, progress, definitions, and tools

  • Simon Orozco Arias Universidad de Caldas
  • Jeferson Arango López Universidad de Caldas
Keywords: Bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, Artificial Neuronal Networks, Biological Data.


Bioinformatics is a relatively new discipline which contributes discovery of biological information through implementation of computer techniques (Lopez-Gartner et al. 2015). This union surges due to problems found in complex phenomena, such as genetics, medicine effect simulation, disease prediction, etc. All of these situations involve a great amount of information and variables, leading to the need of support using new technologies. Notwithstanding, there are circumstances where even the best technologies are unable to find answers within a prudent time, it is here where it becomes necessary to use tools, techniques, frameworks and methodologies involved in artificial intelligence, in order to optimize the greater number of processes, by reducing time and computer expenses caused by managing such information. The following article develops a state-of-the-art of the best methods for application of artificial intelligence in bioinformatics found in literature.


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How to Cite
Orozco Arias, S., & Arango López, J. (2016). Artificial intelligence application on bioinformatics, progress, definitions, and tools. UGCiencia, 22(1), 159-171.
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