Build , live, investigate : modes of public art for culturally sustainable cities

  • Armando Buchard De La Hoz Arquitecto. Especialista en educación. Profesor tiempo completo de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño. Grupo de Investigación Estéticas Urbanas y Socialidades, USB Cali - Colombia
Keywords: public art, citizenship, institutions, public space, made aesthetic


The concept of the sustainable city has been extended through to take into account their cultural sustainability, which creates the need to deepen its study as aesthetic fact. Fact that rests on the double condition of space of representation manifests in architecture and his manifest experiences in the urban structure. The erect, inhabiting and investigate public art, are presented as forms of modeling of the citizen from the management of art in the public space by different actors of public or private institutions of the city.


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How to Cite
Buchard De La Hoz, A. (2015). Build , live, investigate : modes of public art for culturally sustainable cities. UGCiencia, 21, 39-47.
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