The Contribution of Three-Dimensional Theory of Accounting in Accounting Reports

  • Anggie Dahiana Hernández Usuga Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia
  • María Alejandra López Marquéz Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia


The three-dimensional theory of accounting (T3C) is identified as: economic accounting, bioaccounting and socio-accounting; distinguishing itself as a discipline that studies the qualitative and quantitative valuation of the circulation of wealth, its field of knowledge is that of applied science, in charge of the technical and scientific valuation of the management that companies exercise on the capital they control; because its purpose is to contribute to the accumulation, generation and sustainability of environmental, economic and social wealth. Within this theory is bioaccounting, which is in defense of biocentrism and ecocentrism, with the intention that companies generate good practices minimizing the impacts of their activities; therefore, economic accounting represents great economic benefits for man, since it is fundamental for financial markets and price formation; however, this dimension is oriented to sustainable development, which corresponds to supplying the needs of current generations, but does not compromise the development of future generations. Finally, the purpose of socio-accounting is to generate a favorable impact on companies. With the above, it is interpreted that the article fits within a methodology with a qualitative approach of a descriptive-explanatory type.


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Author Biographies

Anggie Dahiana Hernández Usuga, Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia
Estudiante séptimo semestre de contaduría pública,, Colombia
María Alejandra López Marquéz, Universidad La Gran Colombia seccional Armenia
Estudiante séptimo semestre de contaduría pública,, Colombia
How to Cite
Hernández Usuga, A. D., & López Marquéz, M. A. (2023). The Contribution of Three-Dimensional Theory of Accounting in Accounting Reports. UGCiencia, 28(1).
Artículos - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales