Training practices with mixed augmented reality tools: An alternative for the student community

  • Kevin José Andrade Andrade Investigador
Keywords: Training practice in health, mixed augmented reality, teaching-service, practice scenario, theoretical-practical gaps


The primary objective of this document focuses on the design of a model proposal for the development of training practices for the student community of the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences through the use of mixed augmented reality tools in the Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina, thus providing alternatives that allow closing the practical theoretical gaps with which the students are culminating their training process. This exercise is carried out within the framework of applied research, with mixed information sources that combine field and documentary research with a triangular approach that has elements of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The exercise is carried out through the application of different instruments that allow recognizing in which part of the administrative process there is an opportunity for improvement. In the same way, the current procedures are analyzed and the impacts they have on the administrative role and the evaluated community are evaluated, in order to receive feedback to strengthen the current model, including innovative activities in the exercise, as are mixed reality tools. In the same way, the current procedures that are carried out are analyzed and the impacts that they have from the administrative role and from the evaluated community are evaluated.   The result of this exercise determines the latent need to migrate these training spaces to scenarios mediated by technology, contributing significantly to professional development and generating the necessary skills for immersion in the world of work of graduates and satisfying the needs of the market.


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How to Cite
Andrade Andrade, K. J. (2023). Training practices with mixed augmented reality tools: An alternative for the student community. Contexto, 11(1).
Artículos Resultado de Investigación