From perpetual growth to cosmic finitude: a call to build a new discourse and a new economic logic of growth

  • Eduardo Andrés Botero Cedeño
Keywords: Increase, development, Fordism, modernity, postfordism, postmodernity, sustainability.


The central argument of the writing is oriented to express the need to rethink the categories related to growth and economic development, from the systemic and organizational finitude imposed by the cosmic phenomenon of entropy. Thus, it is evident that the changes originated from the transitions that are currently being discussed in the academic, political, economic and cultural spheres, constitute an insufficient comprehensive framework, since important traces of productivist rationalism are preserved. The conclusive synthesis, as it could not be otherwise, points to the collective construction of a new bio-political and bio-economic rationality, which should be the central element of an alternative development model, one that is truly sustainable.


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How to Cite
Botero Cedeño, E. A. (2017). From perpetual growth to cosmic finitude: a call to build a new discourse and a new economic logic of growth. Contexto, 6, 114-121.
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